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Spending Caps
In Defense of the ‘Dumbest Shutdown’The spending deal that Rand Paul held up for a few hours was pretty dumb, too.
What Needs to Happen in Congress Today to Avoid Another Government ShutdownThere will be loud dissents today, especially from House conservatives and Democrats — but it looks like the spending deal may get ratified.
Surprise! Congress May Sneak Debt-Limit Increase Into Its Stopgap Spending BillIt could take care of a big legislative headache — or blow up the delicate negotiations.
Defense-Spending Battle Could Trigger Government ShutdownWhile all eyes are on the fight over immigration policy, spending disputes, particularly over defense, could shut down the government, too.
Delirious December Gives Way to Jittery January As Congress Passes Spending BillCongress has kicked multiple cans down the road to January, but they won’t be able to stall any longer.
Congress Nearing Deal to Stave Off Shutdown Showdown Until JanuaryAnything could still happen, but it looks like the government will stay open through Christmas, with a real battle on tap for January.
Will the Government Avoid a Shutdown? 5 Key QuestionsA government shutdown is unlikely. But if talks wander onto non-spending topics, and each side thinks the other will be blamed, it could happen.
If Trump Keeps Threatening Government Shutdown, Democrats Will Have Some OptionsNow that the president has put a government shutdown squarely on the table, Democrats must decide if they want a deal, or just a Trump defeat.
GOP Moderates Declare Themselves Staunchly ‘Reticent’ About Gutting Safety NetThe House’s budget draft would slash $200 billion from entitlement spending — 20 centrist Republicans say they’re “reticent” to support it.
4 Reasons Why the Trump Budget Cuts Won’t HappenMeals on Wheels, Big Bird, and AmeriCorps are likely to survive.