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  1. nature
    Is It Really the Worst Allergy Season Ever This Time?Some people say yes! But they always say that.
  2. portrait of the journalist as a young woman
    Warm Spring Days Turn the Times’ Thoughts to Boys“I spent several hours savoring the memory of a kiss.”
  3. spring
    Cool Fireman Reminds You To Set Your Clocks Ahead an HourDaylight Saving Time starts tomorrow.
  4. slideshow
    Slideshow: Spring in New YorkThe best of Flickr’s amateur photography on the changing of the season.
  5. photo op
    If They Don’t Win, It’s a Shame As we write this, the sun is shining, the birds outside the window are chirping, and last night, on six and a third solid innings from Chien-Ming Wang, the Yanks beat the Sox, 6-2. It’s a good day to be a New Yorker.* * The whole nine-and-a-half-games-back thing notwithstanding.
  6. photo op
    Springtime, Finally This Flickr photo, shot yesterday by Pawalek P., is slugged simply “Spring in Central Park.” To which we can only add: We get to leave the office soon, right? Spring in Central Park [Pawalek P.’s Flickr]
  7. photo op
    Every Day There Is Weather You know what’s kind of amazing? This was Queens, ten days ago. 10022 [Weather.com]