Displaying all articles tagged:

St. Paul

  1. criminal justice reform
    It Looks Like Trump Will Let McConnell Kill the Criminal-Justice Reform BillWith time running out, Trump’s not doing much to pressure the Senate leader to bring a bipartisan prison and sentencing-reform bill to the floor.
  2. No, Jeff Sessions, Separating Kids From Their Parents Isn’t ‘Biblical’Sessions uses a much-abused Bible quotation to justify his immigration policies against religious critics. He should not go there.
  3. Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Authorizes Him to Smite North KoreaAt a time when the president could use some calm, pacific advice in dealing with North Korea, one leading spiritual counselor is egging him on to war.
  4. early and often
    St. Paul Report: David Carr on Why This Will Be the Last Convention of Its KindIt was David Carr who gave us the best, most colorful assessment of what it was like to be a reporter here.
  5. Gore Presidential Campaign Manager to Lieberman: ‘Payback’s a Bitch’‘But you know what, dog?’ she said. ‘What goes around comes around.’ No, seriously.
  6. St. Paul Report: Tom Brokaw’s Alternative to the MurseLast night we spotted Tom Brokaw with what we thought was a fairly odd choice for a respected, well-dressed television reporter and a gentleman of a certain age.
  7. St. Paul Report: What Drunk Republicans Do When They’re Certain There Aren’t Reporters There (Oops)They’re pretty much like New York gays, though throwing a lot more winking and on-the-knee serenading in our direction.
  8. early and often
    St. Paul Report: Protesters Only Ones to Show Up at GOP ConventionAnd, of course, SWAT teams.