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Stanley Mcchrystal

  1. career advice
    Former General Stanley McChrystal Can Relate to Unemployed LinkedIn ReadersSo he wrote a column about making the most of his “career curveball.”
  2. memoirs
    McChrystal Blames Self for Rolling Stone StoryAnd the Rolling Stone writer, just a little.
  3. mcchrystal ball
    Rolling Stone Writer’s Afghanistan Book Deal CanceledMichael Hastings’s manuscript will have to find another home.
  4. mcchrystal ball
    McChrystal Article Inquiry Doesn’t Really Solve AnythingOne mid-level officer may have been behind the negative quotes.
  5. funemployment
    As for General Stanley McChrystal …The clock is ticking until his Fox News analyst gig is announced
  6. mcchrystal ball
    Stanley McChrystal’s $8,868-a-Year Golden ParachuteObama is going to pull some strings.
  7. mcchrystal ball
    General McChrystal Retires From the ArmyProcess typically takes a few months.
  8. mcchrystal ball
    Stanley McChrystal Never Had a ChanceObama had nearly decided by the end of the first paragraph.
  9. cable news
    Bernie Goldberg Is Depressed About Talk RadioThe hypocrisy, he says, is enough to “choke a horse.”
  10. what other people think
    Is the Petraeus Decision the Most Widely Praised Thing President Obama Has Ever Done?We think so! Even conservatives are praising the move.
  11. mcchrystal ball
    President Obama Replaces General McChrystal With General Petraeus (Updated)He’s gone.
  12. mcchrystal ball
    General McChrystal Has Left the Building (Updated)But was he fired?
  13. afghanistan
    Obama: McChrystal ‘Showed Poor Judgment’President says he will wait to make decision until he meets with the general.
  14. afghanistan
    General McChrystal Has Offered to Resign: Reports (Updated)So far, that’s all we know.
  15. afghanistan
    Robert Gibbs: Obama Is ‘Angry’ at McChrystalThe press secretary also won’t say McChrystal’s job is safe.
  16. secretary of awesome
    Hillary Clinton Is the Only Person General McChrystal Didn’t SassShe always “had Stan’s back.”
  17. what other people think
    Will McChrystal Get the Boot? Should He?Everyone weighs in on the big decision facing President Obama.