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Strip Clubs

  1. new jersey man
    What’s Worse Than Blowing $135,000 at a Strip Club?Using the credit card you share with your father.
  2. what might have been
    Washington, D.C. Swears It’s Not Getting Into the Strip-Club BusinessNo government jobs in exotic dancing.
  3. lawsuits
    Lap Dances Not Art No Matter How Good, Stuffy Court RulesTherefore, they don’t get tax breaks.
  4. academia
    Lap Dance Expert Compares Stripping to New York City BalletHer arguments will be heard by the New York Court of Appeals in 2012.
  5. conventional wisdom
    Tampa Strip Clubs Very Excited for Influx of Conservative Activists“Republicans got plenty of money. They take it all from poor people,” one strip club owner says.
  6. don’t mess with texas
    Texas Rules Strip-Club Tax ConstitutionalThe $5 fee stands.