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Subway Crime

  1. what we know
    What We Know About the Hoyt-Schermerhorn Brooklyn Subway ShootingThe Brooklyn district attorney’s office indicated Friday that the shooter will not be charged, citing evidence it was self-defense.
  2. politics
    Who Actually Likes Hochul’s National Guard–in-Subways Plan?Democrats criticized the governor’s heavy-handed approach, while riders’ opinions seemed more varied.
  3. politics
    Get Ready to See the National Guard on Your CommuteGovernor Kathy Hochul announced that 750 guardsmen will be placed in the MTA system as part of a five-point plan to address subway crime.
  4. stand clear the closing doors
    After the Safest January Ever, Bratton Tells Straphangers to Stay AwakeCommute snooze, disrupted.
  5. Amid a Rash of Subway Slashings, an Act of Grandma Solidarity Leads to an ArrestHis girlfriend’s grandmother turned him in.
  6. showtime everybody showtime!
    Subway Arrests Have Skyrocketed Under BrattonEnjoy those showtimes while you can, everybody.
  7. sad things
    ‘Subway Vigilante’ Victim Killed Himself on Anniversary of ShootingOne of the teens shot by Bernie Goetz was found dead yesterday in a Bronx motel.
  8. stand clear of the closing doors
    Subway Thefts Are Up by Almost 25 PercentTip: Don’t get drunk and pass out on the train.