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Summer Camp

  1. This Summer Camp Detoxes Adults From Their Addictive DevicesCampers relinquish their devices the minute they arrive and spend the weekend like when they were kids.
  2. white families with money
    The Times Explains Why Taking Private Jets to Summer Camp Makes Sense“Sense.”
  3. there’s no crying in baseball
    Unhealthy Competition, Melodramatic Ballads Still Going Strong at Summer Camp“Striving to remain unchanged / Want to stay right where we are!”
  4. stupid crime of the day
    Douglas Gal Pal Allegedly Used Summer-Camp Smuggling Techniques for HeroinHeroin in an electric toothbrush? Really?
  5. panic-demics
    Summer Camp Sounds Like It’s Going to Be Really Fun This YearSwine flu is ruining EVERYTHING.