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Tablet Stained Wretches

  1. tablet-stained wretches
    Jeff Bezos Will Finally Pair Amazon and the Washington PostThe digital innovation the newspaper has been waiting for?
  2. IAC Found Someone to Buy Zombie NewsweekThe owners of the International Business Times.
  3. tablet-stained wretches
    Zombie Newsweek Also Probably Doomed, Says Newsweek Owner“I wish I had not bought Newsweek. It was a mistake.”  
  4. tablet-stained wretches
    Remembering The Daily: Former Staffers Saw This ComingRupert Murdoch, meanwhile, has already moved on.
  5. tablet-stained wretches
    The Daily Never Really Stood a ChanceRupert Murdoch’s iPad newspaper experiment has officially failed.
  6. tablet-stained wretches
    The Huffington Post Will Now Give Away Its Tablet MagazineFor the first five issues it was 99 cents.
  7. tablet-stained wretches
    Layoffs Hit Rupert Murdoch’s The DailyThe iPad newspaper is firing 50 of its 170 employees.
  8. tablet-stained wretches
    The Daily Will Not Roll Over and DieRupert Murdoch’s iPad newspaper is responding to rumors of its demise.
  9. tablet-stained wretches
    Rupert Murdoch’s The Daily ‘On Watch’ in News Corp. SplitThe iPad tabloid will be reevaluated soon, according to insiders.
  10. The Daily Not Pleased With Reporter’s Iranian Ninjas TweetThe iPad newspaper threatened legal action against a disparaging former employee.
  11. media
    Time Inc. to Name Laura Lang CEOThat concludes a nine-month search.
  12. tablet-stained wretches
    Rupert Murdoch Funds Daily Reporter’s Hunter S. Thompson–Inspired Vegas VacationiPad newspaper goes gonzo.
  13. winning the future
    21 New Media InnovatorsA bumper crop of new jobs and new ways of reporting, created by people who are willing to throw themselves into the breach and experiment.
  14. tablet-stained wretches
    Daily Managing Editor Pete Picton Jumps to Daily Mail [Updated]Another managing editor lost.
  15. tablet-stained wretches
    The Daily Lost $10 Million Last QuarterThe plan is to lose less next time.
  16. tablet-stained wretches
    iPad Users Who Like the News Think The Daily’s ‘Content Is Lacking’Ouch.
  17. the daily
    There’s an Article in The Daily Today About Twins in Akron, Ohio, One of Whom Is Black, and One WhiteSomebody’s getting a raise!
  18. tablet-stained wretches
    The Daily Is the ‘Top Grossing’ iPad AppWhat the what?
  19. tablet-stained wretches
    Stephen Colbert Does The Daily One BetterFinding the richest, oldest dog in South Dakota.
  20. tablet-stained wretches
    The Daily Columnists Will Include Dan Wolken, Soo Yoon, and Jessica ValentiThe Murdoch tablet tabloid will develop its own voices.
  21. tablet-stained wretches
    The Daily Will Launch, Without Steve Jobs, at Guggenheim Event WednesdayGet ready.
  22. tablet-stained wretches
    The Daily Launch DelayedWe won’t see Rupert Murdoch’s tablet tabloid next Wednesday after all.
  23. white men with ipads
    In California, Steve Jobs Will Introduce the World to The DailyGet ready.
  24. tablet-stained wretches
    Murdoch’s Tablet Tabloid, The Daily, to Debut Next WednesdayFire up your iPads!
  25. tablet-stained wretches
    Murdoch’s The Daily Sues IMG’s The Daily, Saying Everyone Has the Right to Be Named The DailyThis is as annoying as it sounds.
  26. tablet-stained wretches
    More Defections to News Corp.’s DailyMore names for Rupert’s latest pet project.
  27. tablet-stained wretches
    So This News Corp. Tablet Tabloid Is Probably Something You Should Take SeriouslySome big names have headed over there, and more are coming.
  28. tablet-stained wretches
    Sasha Frere-Jones Signs On to Murdoch’s Tablet TabloidMaybe this is really happening after all.