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Tabloid Wars

  1. tabloid wars
    Who Won the Headline War Over de Blasio’s Jailed Ally?Nobody, really, but sort of the Daily News.
  2. tabloid wars
    Daily News Puts Post in Front-Page CrosshairsThe tabloid wars are heating up.
  3. crimes and misdemeanors
    Man Accused of Slashing Wife in Grisly Brooklyn MurderSources say he “went berserk.”
  4. ink-stained wretches
    New York Daily News Returns From Hurricane Sandy Exile in New JerseyThe tabloid is moving in near its rival.
  5. ink-stained wretches
    ‘Gatecrasher’ Is No More in the Ongoing Daily News RevampTabloid war: back on?
  6. ink-stained wretches
    The New York Post Will Now Cost $1They’re raising the price from 75 cents.
  7. ink-stained wretches
    Ex-Murdoch Man Myler Named Editor of Daily NewsThe ex-News Corp. editor is taking over New York City’s other tabloid.
  8. ink-stained wretches
    Post to Raise Newsstand Price to 75 CentsStarting Monday!