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Tara Reade

  1. tara reade
    High-Profile #MeToo Attorney Will No Longer Represent Tara ReadeDouglas Wigdor said his decision to drop her as a client is not a judgment of her claim’s truthfulness.
  2. vision 2020
    The New York Presidential Primary Is Definitely HappeningAn appeals court affirmed a judge’s ruling that the contest, which the state had attempted to cancel, will go forward after all.
  3. tara reade
    PBS Asked Former Biden Staffers About Tara Reade. Here’s What We Learned.Some former staffers contradicted Reade’s account of her time in Biden’s office, but they also acknowledged this does not invalidate her claim.
  4. the national interest
    New Reporting Increases Doubts on Tara Reade’s Allegation Against Joe BidenI used to consider Tara Reade’s allegation more likely true than false. Now it seems more likely false than true.
  5. vision 2020
    Biden Is Planning an FDR-Size PresidencyHe thinks he’ll survive Tara Reade’s accusation. But he knows he can’t be an average-Joe Democrat anymore.
  6. tara reade
    Everything We’ve Learned From Tara Reade’s Megyn Kelly InterviewReade recounted the alleged assault, discussed the timing of her decision to come forward, and called for Joe Biden to withdraw from the race.
  7. tara reade
    Tara Reade’s New Lawyer Represented 6 Weinstein VictimsIn an email to reporters, Douglas Wigdor announced that he’s now representing Reade.
  8. vision 2020
    Team Trump Goes Negative on Biden Early and HeavilyTrump needs to make this a “contrast” election rather than a referendum on his presidency, fast.
  9. the national interest
    It Would Be Completely Absurd to Force Biden Out of the RaceYes, there are influential people arguing for this.
  10. vision 2020
    Why Kavanaugh Is the Focus of Republican Attacks on BidenThe GOP would prefer to compare Biden to Kavanaugh, a party-unifying figure, rather than Trump himself, accused of far more misconduct.
  11. vision 2020
    Can Democrats Force Joe Biden Off of the Ticket?With Tara Reade’s allegations now front and center, Biden skeptics are speculating about pushing him out of the nomination, but it wouldn’t be easy.
  12. joe biden
    Here’s What Women’s Groups Are Saying About Joe Biden and Tara ReadeReade’s story creates a dilemma for feminist groups.
  13. tara reade
    Tara Reade Is Making It Harder to Hide Joe BidenThat doesn’t mean his campaign will abandon its most effective strategy.
  14. interesting times
    Andrew Sullivan: By Biden’s Own Standards, He Is Guilty As ChargedThe many red flags and question marks in Tara Reade’s allegation would be largely irrelevant under the campus rules Biden helped institute.
  15. joe biden
    Joe Biden on Tara Reade Allegation: ‘This Never Happened’The presumptive Democratic nominee dodged questions about opening up his University of Delaware archives to search for a complaint from his accuser.
  16. vision 2020
    Will Candidates on Biden’s VP Shortlist Defend Him From Reade Allegations?Tara Reade’s allegations are going to get the public attention they warrant. Biden’s veep prospects may be competing for the role of chief defender.
  17. joe biden
    Feminism Should Make You UncomfortableWe shouldn’t ignore the lessons of Me Too for the sake of Joe Biden.
  18. power
    The Biden TrapAs the candidate faces credible assault allegations, his progressive female colleagues are being offered a poisoned chalice.
  19. tara reade
    New Sources Corroborate Timeline of Sexual Assault Accusation Against BidenTwo more women say that Tara Reade told them she’d experienced sexual harassment in Biden’s Senate office.
  20. politics
    New Evidence Suggests Tara Reade’s Mother Knew of Allegations in 1993Reade said that her mother called Larry King about her sexual-misconduct allegations against Biden. A call that fits her description has been found.