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  1. This Right-Wing Radio Host Is Starting to Sound Like Bernie SandersHugh Hewitt wants to take down the billionaire class.
  2. Clinton Unveils Plan to Soak Rich, Stymie SandersOn opposite day in the Democratic primary, Clinton calls for a tax hike on the one percent, while Sanders touts his electability.
  3. Record Number of People Renouncing Citizenship1,335 people so far this year.
  4. The NFL Gives Up Its Tax ExemptionThe NFL is giving up its tax-exempt status. Why did it have it in the first place?
  5. the national interest
    Republicans Back to Raising Taxes on the PoorBecause of immigration. It all makes sense, kind of.
  6. rich people problems
    No, Rich People Are Not Leaving New York Because of Higher TaxesIf they do move, it’s probably to Jersey.
  7. the clintons
    Clintons Avoid Estate Taxes Despite Support for Estate Taxes Those loopholes can be pretty irresistible.
  8. stuck in the mittle
    Josh Romney Finally Comes Up With Sassy Retort for Harry ReidProof that his dad pays taxes, two years too late.
  9. The 5 Stages of Bitcoin GriefDenial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance on the crypto-currency message boards.
  10. science
    Americans Will Finally Get What Their Tax Dollars Pay ForWhen it comes to federally funded scholarly articles, that is.
  11. fake trends
    The Myth of Millionaire Tax MigrationThe Times invents a West Coast trend.
  12. taxes
    McConnell Says He Isn’t Ready to Default“It’s not even necessary to get to that point.”
  13. politics
    John Heilemann on Morning Joe: The Post-Fiscal Cliff FightsTime for more cuts.
  14. fiscal cliff
    All the Terrible Things That Will Happen If Congress Goes Over the Fiscal CliffThings are going to get real austere real quick.
  15. silicon wahhhh-ley
    Tech Millionaires Can Whine About Taxes, Too!But it’s so cool when they do it.
  16. we the people
    Americans Not Allowed to Punch Grover Norquist Somewhere UncomfortableA White House petition.
  17. hurricane sandy
    Chris Christie’s Okay With Tax Hikes in a DisasterUnfortunately there is no “magic money tree.”
  18. taxes
    Bill Kristol Thinks Millionaires Can Afford to Pay a Little More in TaxesIt’s not like all rich folk are Republicans, anyway.
  19. stuck in the mittle
    Romney Adviser Defends ‘Questionable’ Studies Validating Romney’s Tax Plan It wasn’t very convincing. 
  20. campaign 2012
    Paul Ryan Simply Does Not Have the Time to Explain Mitt Romney’s Tax PlanAnd other highlights from today’s Fox News interview. 
  21. stuck in the mittle
    Mitt Romney’s Tax Information Release Ensures Continued Discussion of His TaxesWhy would he do that?
  22. stuck in the mittle
    Mitt Romney Paid Too Much in Taxes to Be President, According to Mitt RomneyDespite what he said earlier this year.
  23. bain of his existence
    Private Equity Firms Subpoenaed Over Tax ProcessNew York’s attorney general is looking into their use of management fee waivers, which allow income to be taxed at the capital gains rate.
  24. olympics
    Obama Gives Olympians a Congratulatory Phone Call; Rubio Offers Them a Tax BreakNot that they asked for either.
  25. government at work
    In Somewhat Meaningless Gesture, Senate Passes Middle Class Tax CutsAnother busy day of not making laws.
  26. Frank Rich on the National Circus: Mitt Can’t Wait Out His Tax StormEven his own party wants to see what Romney made and paid.
  27. billionaire boys club
    Eduardo Saverin Invites Ire for Tax ‘Scheme’Introducing the “Ex-PATRIOT” Act.
  28. facebook
    Eduardo Saverin Not Leaving the U.S. Because of Taxes, He SwearsSure …
  29. stuck in the mittle
    Mitt Romney’s Trump Fund-raiser Had a Few Elaborate ProtestersA big baseball “mitt” and the Tax Dodgers were parked outside.
  30. how much tax does your secretary pay?
    Obama Joins the ‘I Pay a Lower Tax Than My Secretary’ ClubHello there, Warren! Is that you, Mitt?
  31. Buffett Rule Exposes the GOP’s TaxophobiaIt may be all politics, but that doesn’t make it wrong or even cynical.
  32. smokin’!
    Indian-Made Cigarettes Are Cheap As Hell UpstateIndian tribes have started manufacturing their own and selling them without the state tax.
  33. you know what’s cool?
    Mark Zuckerberg Could Pay Billions in Taxes, But That’s Not So BadFacebook’s IPO means a one-time big bill for its founder.
  34. jesus christie
    Chris Christie Just Went RogueHe thinks Mitt Romney should release his tax returns now.
  35. Government Will Not Shut Down!Deal pulled off with 28 hours to spare.
  36. politics
    Cuomo Has a Deal to Tax the Rich [Updated]The governor will reportedly tax rich people more, but not too much more.
  37. cuomolot
    Bloomberg Already Questioning the Fundamentals of Cuomo’s Tax PlanThe mayor says the governor’s rumored plan isn’t going to work.
  38. taxes
    Zuccotti Park Owners Didn’t Pay $139,000 in Taxes, City SaysBrookfield Properties claims the finance department is mistaken.
  39. cuomolot
    Cuomo Starts Dancing Around Tax IncreasesHe wants to address “fairness” in the tax code.
  40. death and taxes
    Nine of Ten Most Taxed U.S. Neighborhoods Are in NYC Metro AreaThe IRS loves this city.
  41. the national interest
    The GOP’s Deficit Offer Is This: NothingBut thanks to the expiring Bush tax cuts, Democrats can afford to hang tough.
  42. no he cain’t
    Herman Cain’s Ingeniously Succinct 9-9-9 Plan Becoming Increasingly Complex, Part IIIntroducing the 9-0-9 plan, for some people.
  43. the national interest
    The Evasions of the 53 Percent: This Time It’s PersonalConservatives defend a series of nonsense statistics about taxes and inequality.
  44. no he cain’t
    Herman Cain’s Ingeniously Succinct 9-9-9 Plan Becoming Increasingly ComplexCain adds in new deductions and exemptions.
  45. white men with money
    Warren Buffett Paid Just $7 Million in Taxes Last YearHe gave Congress the numbers.
  46. white men with money
    Warren Buffett to Rupert Murdoch: I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me YoursTax returns. Get your mind out of the gutter.
  47. the national interest
    Understanding Class Warfare HysteriaWhat we are talking about when we talk about “class warfare”.
  48. rick rolling
    Rick Perry Raised Taxes Last MonthGovernor of Texas? More like the governor of TAXES.
  49. the third terminator
    Mayor Bloomberg Calls for Tax Hikes on EveryoneSo, he’s definitely not running for president anytime soon.
  50. 2012
    Mitt Romney Used Tax Hike to Convince S&P to Raise State Credit RatingHe closed tax loopholes, too.
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