Displaying all articles tagged:

Teachers Unions

  1. education
    We’re Having the Wrong Conversation About SchoolCritics of teachers and their unions are repeating attacks from the early pandemic, and not paying attention to the real culprits of the crisis.
  2. education
    Is Education a Public Good or a Private Benefit?The goal of greater parental rights in public schools, which Glenn Youngkin campaigned on, can eventually undermine the very idea of public education.
  3. schools
    New Jersey’s Education Rebellion Was a Long Time ComingBut Democrats didn’t heed the signs.
  4. politics
    Why Republicans May Go All In on Parental RightsVirginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin thinks defending parents’ rights to dictate what happens in schools appeals to swing and base voters.
  5. 2020 elections
    Cory Booker Has a School Choice ProblemBooker’s past positions on vouchers and charter schools are out of line with Democratic orthodoxy. He can’t stay quiet about it much longer.
  6. education
    De Blasio’s Teachers-Union Deal Could Be Historic, But the Details Are VagueIt’s unclear how the city will pay for teachers’ raises.
  7. school’s out for forever
    Chicago Teachers Vote to End Strike, Avoiding Legal Showdown With Rahm EmanuelAnd an awkward situation for President Obama.
  8. school’s out for forever
    Chicago Teachers Go on Strike, City Tries to Occupy 350,000 KidsHours of “independent reading or writing” isn’t going to cut it.
  9. school daze
    Michelle Rhee: Fine, Investigate Sketchy Test Results From My TenureSee if she cares.