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Thanks Obama

  1. Trump Suggests Obama Always Wanted Obamacare to Collapse in 2017“That’s the year it was meant to explode, because Obama won’t be here,” the president explained to the House GOP leadership.
  2. select all
    White House Photographer Pete Souza Shares Final, Poignant Picture of ObamaThe picture features Obama looking down on the White House from a helicopter window. The caption reads “Farewell.”
  3. House Republicans Hope to Pass This Bill Before Donald Trump Takes OfficeFor some reason, conservatives trust power-mad tyrant Barack Obama — more than their own nominee — to sign a bill targeting frivolous lawsuits against online speech.
  4. Obama’s New Overtime Rule Will Give 4 Million Americans Fatter PaychecksThe administration just dramatically expanded workers’ eligibility for overtime, capping off a great two months for big-government tyranny.
  5. thanks obama
    Obama Approval Rating Hits 3-Year HighYou don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.
  6. thanks obama
    Ted Cruz Knows Just Who to Blame for His Lack of Health InsuranceA cynic might suspect he simply forgot to buy a new plan.
  7. Sarah Palin Blames Obama for Her Son’s Domestic-Violence ArrestTrack Palin’s domestic-violence arrest is now a part of the Obama legacy.
  8. thanks obama
    Thanks, Obama!Including the disappearance of aerosol hairspray.