Displaying all articles tagged:

The Clippers

  1. horrible racists
    Donald Sterling Was Sad After He Insulted Magic Johnson to Anderson CooperTime to stop talking.
  2. the sports section
    New Recording Suggests That Donald Sterling Isn’t Going Away Anytime SoonThe 82-year-old says he’ll somehow take his fight for the Clippers to the Supreme Court.
  3. horrible racists
    Shelly Sterling Says She’ll Part With Donald, But Not the Clippers [UPDATED]She says she plans to divorce “eventually.”
  4. gross racists
    Extended Recording of Donald Sterling Being a Racist Now AvailableThanks to Deadspin.
  5. scandals
    Obama and Others React to Sterling’s RacismIt looks like the Clippers owner won’t be getting that NAACP lifetime achievement award.
  6. the sports section
    L.A. Clippers Owner Caught on Tape Being a Disgusting Racist [Updated]“It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people,” said Donald Sterling to his girlfriend.