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The Manny

  1. cultural capital
    ‘Manny’ Video Picks Up Where M.C. Rove Left Off The absolute highlight of last night’s book party for Holly Peterson’s The Manny was the presentation of a, um, “viral” promo clip for the book, conceived (and perhaps bankrolled?) by the socialite auteur. “My publishers would like you to know they had nothing to do with this,” said Peterson, and we understand them completely. Still, the video just got posted on Daily Reel with a fawning write-up (“as creative as it gets”). We invite you to click through, provided you’re in the mood for UES types “rapping” about their Jamaican chauffeurs and Asian maids to a mangled Hall & Oates hook in the most horrifying display of minstrelsy this side of M.C. Rove. “We were just trying to be funny,” says director Michael Jaffe. Indeed! They even got a dwarf in there, and dwarves are comic gold — doubly so when they play babies! Triply so if it’s gay babies! Disclaimer: Daily Intel is not responsible if watching the clip (after the jump) results in spontaneous class war.
  2. party lines
    Liz Smith Gets Grabby at ‘Manny’ Celebration “My father suggested we do it here,” explained Holly Peterson, and the Four Seasons Grill Room erupted in every possible variation on the worldly guffaw: Peterson’s knack for self-promotion was apparently a well-established meme here. The party celebrated Peterson’s first foray into literature, The Manny — a book that gently gender-flips the babysitter-diddling scenario (and incidentally makes Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him read like Madame Bovary).