Displaying all articles tagged:

Tony Evers

  1. 2022 midterms
    Will This Be the Year Senator Ron Johnson’s Luck Runs Out?He’s a loud-and-proud yahoo running for reelection in a battleground state, but that doesn’t guarantee he’ll be an easy target for Democrats.
  2. kenosha
    As Trump Plans Trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin Leaders Ask Him to Stay AwayState and local leaders believe that Trump’s visit to Kenosha on Tuesday is more likely to aggravate than abate tensions.
  3. business reopening
    Wisconsin Court Overturns Stay-at-Home Order and Revelers Hit the BarsWisconsin continues to feature savage polarization on all aspects of the coronavirus pandemic, from elections to business closures.
  4. vision 2020
    Relatively Non-Disastrous Ohio Primary Could Be Harbinger for NovemberIs any election held in better conditions than the COVID-afflicted Wisconsin one good enough for democracy?
  5. republican party
    The Wisconsin GOP Is Risking Voters’ Lives to Protect Its Minority RuleRepublicans are disenfranchising voters by holding an election mid-pandemic so that they can keep disenfranchising Democrats through gerrymanders.
  6. 2020 elections
    U.S. Supreme Court Slams Door on Wisconsin Vote-by-Mail for Mid-Pandemic PrimaryA few hours after a Wisconsin court reinstated in-person voting, the conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court halted an absentee voting extension.
  7. 2020 elections
    Wisconsin Court Reinstates Tuesday’s Mid-Pandemic PrimaryAfter intense gubernatorial and legislative conflict and multiple appeals, it looks like Republicans will get the low-turnout election they wanted.
  8. vision 2020
    Against All Logic and Reason, Next Week’s Wisconsin Primary Slouches AheadA federal judge attacked both the GOP legislature and Democratic governor for refusing to delay the primary, as he liberalized voting by mail.
  9. vision 2020
    State That May Decide 2020 Elections Approaches Chaotic April PrimaryMoving to voting by mail without fair rules could affect the general election in crucial states like Wisconsin, as its April primary is showing.
  10. politics
    The GOP’s 2018 Autopsy: Democracy Is Our EnemyRepublicans heard the electorate’s message loud and clear — and are doing everything they can to shrink that electorate, and nullify its verdict.
  11. 2018 midterms
    Halloween Polling Update: Both Tricks and Treats for Democrats and RepublicansThere’s good news for Democrats in Kansas and Utah, and for Republicans in North Dakota and Tennessee.
  12. 2018 midterms
    11 Tight Governor’s Races Will Shape America’s Political LandscapeDemocrats will probably make overall gains, but there are an amazing eleven gubernatorial elections that are tossups.
  13. 2018 elections
    Scott Walker and Tammy Baldwin Prepare for a November Slugfest in WisconsinDemocrats will choose an opponent for longtime nemesis Scott Walker while Republicans are staging a pricey primary to challenge Tammy Baldwin.