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Trap Laws

  1. abortion
    New Texas Abortion Law Enlists Activists to Harass Providers in CourtIn a twist on other pre-viability abortion bans, Texas leaves enforcement to any schmo with evidence of an “illegal” procedure.
  2. abortion
    Here We Go: Supreme Court Accepts First Big Post-Kavanaugh Abortion CaseThe Court could begin the long march back to a pre–Roe v. Wade era by validating laws designed to shut down abortion providers.
  3. abortion
    Anti-Abortion Activists Object to State Bans — But Only on TacticsAnti-abortion leaders are discouraging extreme state abortion laws, preferring stealth until the time is ripe for a frontal assault on Roe v. Wade.
  4. reproductive rights
    ‘Insurrection’ Against Abortion Rights Is Growing Within the Federal JudiciaryIf and when the Supreme Court decides to unravel Roe v. Wade, lower federal courts and GOP state legislatures will supply the tools.
  5. Are Democrats Crying Wolf on Threat to Abortion Rights?The threat to abortion rights is very real, even if conservatives have grown adept at pretending otherwise.
  6. Steps the Next Supreme Court Might Take to Roll Back Abortion RightsKennedy’s retirement doesn’t mean Roe will be overturned immediately, but a more conservative Court is likely to allow many new abortion restrictions.