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  1. select all
    My New Hero Is This Bathrobe-Wearing, Trash-Throwing WomanA perfect viral video.
  2. pollution
    Manhattan Is Surrounded by Floating GarbageA study found millions of plastic pieces in New York’s waterways.
  3. feature
    The Ban on Plastic Bags vs. the Ban on Bag BansThe fight is about a lot more than how to get groceries home.
  4. luck
    Manhattan Toddler Saved by Trash ContainerAfter falling out of a third-floor window.
  5. trash
    New Yorkers Might Have to Pay an Extra 10 Cents to Get Disposable BagsPaper and plastic.
  6. bill de blasio’s new york
    Upper East Side, NY Post Bully De BlasioThey’re complaining again.
  7. silver linings
    Uncollected Trash Saves Woman’s LifeWhen she fell onto it.
  8. neighborhood news
    Giant Ball of Trash in Gowanus Canal Is Actually About HopeIt’s a sculpture made from 450 umbrellas and 128 two-liter bottles.
  9. stand clear of the closing doors
    Garbage In, Garbage Out: The MTA’s Questionable Garbage Can GambitIs this like a ‘Freakanomics’ thing?
  10. stand clear of the closing doors
    Will Removing Trash Cans From Subway Stations Make Them Cleaner?Only one way to find out!
  11. garbage disposal
    Ten Years After Giuliani Closed Fresh Kills, the City Is Still Figuring Out What to Do With the DumpDisposing of trash is now more expensive with a bigger carbon footprint.
  12. snomg
    There Will Be Trash All Over the Streets for Another Four DaysThis is deemed an “A-plus” job by city sanitation honchos.
  13. sanitation
    Roosevelt Island’s High-Speed Underground Trash System Runs on Pneumatic TubesAnd the occasional Swedish contractor.
  14. developing
    You’ll Be Able to Frolic in a Staten Island Dump Sooner Than You Thought That plan to turn Staten Island’s Fresh Kills landfill — the city’s enormous garbage dump, shuttered in early 2001 by Giuliani and briefly reopened to warehouse World Trade Center detritus — into a giant park will take a decade to complete, the city is now saying. (And, hey, take your time, guy. Last thing we want is to dig up a patch of benzene with our cleats.) But we can’t help a little giddiness to learn that we’ll actually be able to play soccer on Fresh Kills in a little more than a year. According to park administrator Eloise Hirsh, the 2,200-acre project will go through intensive environmental review this year — but one soccer field, Owl Hollow, sits outside the actual landfill and is currently being bid out to contractors. Park officials are still designing the bathroom (insert stupid gas jokes here), but construction should begin — with tours of the site — by spring. —Alec Appelbaum
  15. numbers game
    Dumpster Diving• Pounds of food waste the average New York City household produces each week: 7.1 • Pounds of food waste the average American household produces each week: 4.1 • Pounds of garbage the average New York City household produces each week: 40 • Pounds of garbage the average American household produces each week: 45 • Pounds of garbage “rich people in high-density neighborhoods” — e.g., Manhattanites — produce each week: 28.4 • Percentage of the city’s current waste that can be recycled: 36 • Percentage of the city’s waste that could be recycled in 1989: 45 • Tons of recyclables the Department of Sanitation is required to pick up daily, under a 1989 City Council law: 4,250 • Tons of recyclables the Department of Sanitation currently picks up each day: 2,000 to 2,200 • Tons of mixed paper — including junk mail — thrown out each year instead of recycled: 200,000 N.Y. Throws Away Heaps [NYP]
  16. the morning line
    We Ain’t No State Senator’s Son • Joe Bruno’s lobbyist son emerges as the crucial link between the embattled State Senate GOP leader and pony-loving businessman Jared Abbruzzese. The Feds allege an unsummarizable roundelay of sweetheart deals, lobbying stints, and commission fees. [NYT] • Three central New Jersey high schoolers are dead after a head-on collision between their car and a van less than a mile from campus. The van’s driver was also killed, and her unidentified teen passenger hospitalized with serious injuries. [AP via amNY] • A Brooklyn principal barred a special-ed student from entering a district spelling bee, telling him, “You don’t have the brains to do it.” This after organizing a special schoolwide bee seemingly aimed at eliminating him. [NYDN] • City firefighters are putting up flag decals on their lockers in defiance of Fire Department’s order to remove all personal adornments from department buildings. Expect an interesting debate on whether a locker is a private or a public space (and a staggering amount of porn in the trash bins behind firehouses). [IHT] • And speaking of trash, New Yorkers generate a lot of it. Almost twice as much food waste, in fact, as any other city. Best recyclers? No surprise there: Park Slope. [NYP]