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  1. social studies
    How Trauma Became America’s Favorite DiagnosisPsychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk’s once controversial theory of trauma became the dominant way we make sense of our lives.
  2. campus culture wars
    Stop Telling College Students Free Speech Is Traumatizing ThemIf you tell students over and over and over again that certain types of speech are harming them, don’t be surprised when they feel harmed.
  3. The Nightmare World of Leo the Lion, Netflix’s Worst MovieDeep within the bowels of Netflix, a menace lurks.
  4. A High-School Kid Invented a Miraculous Gel That Can Stop Bleeding InstantlyThis’ll save a lot of lives.
  5. antonin scalia
    Law Students ‘Traumatized’ by Anti-Scalia Email“All we can do, really, is convey our solidarity with our wonderful students. We share your pain. We share your anger. We stand with you. You are not alone. Be strong as Justice Scalia was strong.”
  6. nbds
    Scientists: Mass Deaths of Creatures Occur All the TimeNot to worry!
  7. the birds
    5,000 Dead Blackbirds Had ‘Hit Something Very Hard’When they shouldn’t have been out flying in the first place.