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Trend Stories

  1. puppies!!!!!!
    Puppies Being ‘Interviewed’ for Access to Doggy Day CareCanine summer camp is the new preschool. (Not really.)
  2. ink-stained wretches
    Observer Illustrates the ‘Three Examples Is a Trend’ Theory of JournalismIt’ll drive you nuts.
  3. repeats
    Times No Longer Pretending Its Private-Tutoring Stories Are Anything But RecycledThey’ve written so many they can’t remember which photos they’ve already used.
  4. fearmongering
    Recession Turned New York’s Straight Men Into a Bunch of Girls, Pink Paper ReportsThey’re doing the shopping and cleaning and not even complaining!
  5. ink-stained wretches
    How Your Trend-Story Sausage Gets MadeAt the ‘Times,’ just talking to your close friend is reporting enough.
  6. intel
    The Economy: Our Backlash to the BacklashWhy we hate the idea of “staycations,” “one-tank trips,” and “mini-moons.”
  7. in other news
    Recent Ivy League Grads: Media GoldAn ‘Observer’ story today reminds us that we always seem to be reading shocking tales of graduates from elite schools having to do — gasp — hard work.