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  1. past is prologue
    Clinton and Biden Bookend the Era of the Swing VoterDifferences in how the two men approached campaigning and governing, despite their similar ideologies, reflect a massive shift in the U.S. electorate.
  2. national emergency declaration
    Will Republicans Save Trump From an Embarrassing Vote on Emergency Declaration?A deal may be in the works where Trump okays a curtailment of presidential power in future emergency declarations in exchange for approval right now.
  3. mark penn
    Ex-Clinton Adviser Mark Penn Arrives at His Inevitable Destination: Trump’s GOPLike his political mentor Dick Morris, Penn has traded on his Clinton connection while moving steadily into the Republican orbit.
  4. Is Clinton Hurting Her Party’s Chances in Congress by Playing It Too Safe?Stonewalling on questions about emails and the Clinton Foundation probably won’t help down-ballot Democrats.
  5. death and taxes
    Heilemann: Why the Tax Fight Is Obama’s Pivotal MomentCongressional Democrats balking at the President’s tax bargain should shut up — but Obama will need to tell them so with much more charm than he did yesterday.
  6. cable news
    Talk Box: Independents Are Just Waiting to Be TriangulatedCable news pundits examine the possibilities of the coming partisan standoff over extending unemployment benefits.