The War on Henry Kravis
Right about now, protesters are gathering in front of Henry Kravis’s home at 625 Park Avenue for the world premiere of The War on Greed: Starring the Homes of Henry Kravis, a Fabulous Life Of–style documentary that contrasts the private-equity magnate’s income and lifestyle against those of normal working people. In the film, which, according to the Times, is being screened on “high technology sandwich boards” worn by protesters, filmmaker Robert Greenwald asks some normal people what they would do if they got to live in one of Kravis’s opulent homes for the holidays. “I would sell everything in it and give the money to charity!” one woman squeals, predictably. But not everyone’s so self-righteous: “I probably wouldn’t even enjoy it,” says one woman. “I’d just probably go home from work, go to sleep, then have to get back up and work again.” We know how she feels. In fact, we’re too busy on our own hamster wheel to go uptown to watch the movie, which is why we found it on the Internet. (You can click the picture above to watch it.) And wait a second: Where did independent filmmaker Greenwald get the money to pay for those fancy high-tech sandwich boards? E-mail us if you know about his secret trust fund!
War on Greed [Official site]
A Movie and Protesters Single Out Henry Kravis [NYT]