Displaying all articles tagged:

Undecided Voters

  1. the national interest
    The Case For 2024 Indecision Is FeebleTrump-wary conservatives have run out of rational reasons to be undecided.
  2. early and often
    Trump Is Preying on Low-Information VotersSwing voters tend to be low-information voters, which leaves this crucial group vulnerable to Trump’s disinformation.
  3. vision 2020
    Trump Is Running Out of Time to Change These 8 Election X-FactorsExamining the remaining variables, the president is in serious trouble just two weeks ahead of his date with reelection fate.
  4. vision 2020
    How Swing Voters Are Thinking About 2020For many swing voters, the choice isn’t between major parties, but between voting and staying home. Convincing them voting matters could be crucial.
  5. Undecided Voters Won’t Save Trump’s BaconBest we can tell, undecided voters currently lean toward Hillary Clinton, or just won’t vote.
  6. In Defense of the Undecided VoterOkay, a partial defense of undecided voters.
  7. early and often
    Those Mysterious Undecided Voters, and Why Obama Should Be Worried About ThemObama may have already skimmed as many voters as he’s likely to get from the undecideds.