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  1. Canadian MP Blames Tight Underwear for Brief AbsenceBecause “50% off is like catnip to a Winnipegger.”
  2. things that are awful
    Bradley Manning’s Jail Guard Wrote a Poem About His UnderwearThings got a little weird at Quantico.
  3. hurricane sandy
    Rikers Inmates Donated Their Long Johns to Storm VictimsThey gave their labor and underwear.
  4. the secret life of bankers
    Swiss Bank Wants Male Employees to Wear ‘Easily Washable’ UnderwearWhy? …
  5. party chat
    Adam Lambert Would Like to See Chace Crawford in the Next Calvin Klein Underwear CampaignWe had the same thought.
  6. important debates
    Point-Counterpoint: Full-Body Scans at Airport SecurityEverybody else has weighed in, so why can’t we?
  7. terror plots
    Let’s Talk About the Terrorist Underpants, Shall We?Seriously, look at those things.
  8. intel
    Happy National Underwear Day!Today, as you no doubt know, is National Underwear Day. And what better way to celebrate than by picking up some merch from New York’s most visible (and slightly overfriendly) icon of underoos? That’s right — the Naked Cowboy has expanded into retail. You can pick up specially tagged briefs from his Website, or a personalized blue guitar, or his touching Every Moment Counts DVD and its sequel, Fear God Hate Sin. But his newest products, like Statue of Liberty–style figurines, are, frustratingly, only available in person. And if you’re going to venture into the 92-degree human steamer that is Times Square today, you, too, may find the Cowboy’s minimalist look the best way to go. Products [NakedCowboy.com]
  9. in other news
    New ‘Radar’: This Time, Prince Harry in BoxersYippee: The September Radar is almost here! Which means it’s time for early teases of the cover story! The mag posted the new cover yesterday, and Drudge picked it up today, and we’re sure you’re shocked to discover it features a Photoshopped image of a celebrity’s head on an underwear-clad body. (Interestingly, the underwear isn’t white.) Also, “Pop, Politics, Scandal, Style” has given way to “Fresh Intelligence” as the slogan, and there’s nary a mention of Paris Hilton, a presidential candidate, or any sort of homosexuality (in either babies or pets). We barely recognize the thing. The Trouble with Harry [Radar via Drudge] Earlier: The March of ‘Radar’