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Us House
June 28, 2018
House GOP’s Immigration ‘Compromise’ Was a Bigger Flop Than Their Last Bill The more House Republicans negotiate with each other over immigration policy, the less they seem to agree.
June 20, 2018
Bloomberg to Spend $80 Million to Help Democrats in the Midterms Properly concentrated, Bloomberg’s big bucks could make a big difference in suburban swing districts in November.
Mar. 15, 2018
The House’s Post-Parkland School Safety Bill Ignores Guns Lawmakers respond to the massacre with a bill to buy more metal detectors.
Feb. 21, 2018
The GOP Is Serious About Impeaching P.A. Judges for Reversing Their Gerrymander Republican legislators in Pennsylvania have the power to impeach and remove judges. But could that backfire in the court of public opinion?
Feb. 15, 2018
Senate Votes Down Every Immigration Proposal Trump’s own proposal and a bipartisan compromise that he angrily opposed both went down in the Senate.
Jan. 22, 2018
Pennsylvania Court Kills Gerrymandered Pro-GOP Congressional Map In really bad timing for Republicans, a state court applying state law overturns a congressional map and requires new districts this year.
Dec. 22, 2017
Exactly How High Could That 2018 Democratic Wave Rise? Yes, Republicans have some institutional advantages in their efforts to hang onto the House. But they only help so much in a wave election.
Dec. 17, 2017
The Right (and Wrong) Lessons to Take From Doug Jones’s Win in Alabama Be careful of over-interpretation by partisans. But Jones’s win shouldn’t be under-interpreted, either.
Nov. 16, 2017
The Democrats Really Can Win the House in 2018 There’s a long way to go, but Trump’s approval ratings, the generic ballot, and the 2017 results all point to huge blue gains.
Oct. 23, 2017
Democratic Challengers to House GOP Incumbents Raising Some Serious Dough It’s one of many straws in the wind for 2018, but an awful lot of House GOP incumbents are drawing opponents who are raising money. Some will retire.
Oct. 6, 2017
GOP Retirements May Determine Whether Democrats Take Back the House in 2018 There are many things Democrats need to take back the House next year. One they don’t yet have is abundant GOP retirements.
July 29, 2017
Surge in House Democratic Candidates Could Fuel a 2018 Wave Election It’s too early to tell whether Democrats have a real shot at winning back the House next year, but a big jump in candidates running is a good sign.
July 20, 2017
Some 2016 House GOP Landslide Winners May Not Be Safe in 2018 A new analysis shows incumbents from the White House party usually lose a lot of points in midterms.
July 5, 2017
Lawsuit Targets California’s Million-Person Legislative Seats Some California legislators represent about 300 times as many people as some New Hampshire legislators. Does that violate the U.S. Constitution?
May 5, 2017
Trumpcare Could Help Build a House Democratic Wave for 2018 Whatever else it means, passage of Trumpcare spells trouble for the House Republicans — especially Californians — in tough districts who voted for it.
May 4, 2017
House Passes Controversial GOP Health-Care Bill by an Eyelash There was no room for error, but a comeback led by Fred Upton enabled House Republicans to enact Trumpcare as Democrats sang “Good-bye!”
May 3, 2017
Don’t Assume That the Senate Will Bury Zombie Trumpcare The House really could pass it. There are scenarios where the upper chamber could too.
Mar. 21, 2017
Shakedown Artists Are Taking Over Republican Health-Care Bill Now that the House leadership has cut a deal with upstate New Yorkers to produce local tax cuts, there’s no end to the demands senators will make.
Oct. 21, 2016
The Tough Road to a Democratic House Democrats are still praying for a “wave election” that could dislodge a net total of 30 GOP House members. There is a narrow path to that outcome.