New E-mail Service Tips You to the Hip Products of YesteryearVery Short List is the latest entry in the daily-email-tip-sheet sector, yet another competitor for DailyCandy (for former sorority girls), Thrillist (for former frat boys), UrbanDaddy (for slightly more refined former frat boys), and the like. What’s the VSL* niche? Sophistication. It “points to excellent entertainment, media, and other cultural things you may not know about because they haven’t been hyped to within an inch of their lives,” the introductory e-mail explained. Herewith, four of those rarefied bits of undiscovered genius the cultural spelunkers at VSL have been diligent enough to suss out in the six workdays since the service’s public launch:
• The Hill, a reality show airing on the Sundance Channel.
• Preston Struges: The Filmmaker’s Collection, seven classic films released from 1940 to 1944.
• Police Squad, a television show from 1982.
• The Conformist, a Bertolucci film from 1970.
We can’t tell you how pleased we are they’re letting us in on these secrets.
* VSL’s creators include New York contributors Kurt Andersen and Simon Dumenco, plus several other guys we know.
Very Short List [Official site]