Displaying all articles tagged:

Viktor Orban

  1. the national interest
    Donald Trump: ‘Sometimes You Need a Strongman’The former president blurts out his authoritarian beliefs once again.
  2. the national interest
    Trump Already Tried Orbán’s Most Effective Weapon Against DemocracyTrump’s mostly forgotten plan to put the media under his thumb didn’t work the first time. It might if he gets another chance.
  3. authoritarianism
    Trump Endorses Viktor Orbán, His Hungarian Role ModelIt’s an unusual move that may signal what Trump hopes to achieve for himself.
  4. the national interest
    Tucker Carlson Has Seen the Future, and It Is FascistAn important marker on the Republican road to authoritarianism.
  5. the national interest
    Trump, Orbán, and Putin Are Forming an Authoritarian AllianceWhen you’re a tsar, they let you do it.
  6. the national interest
    President Trump’s Dream Is to Become America’s Viktor OrbánWhy the president and his supporters are following the Hungarian autocrat’s blueprint.
  7. ukraine scandal
    Trump Attitude Toward Ukraine Influenced by Putin and Orbán: ReportTrump’s early opinion of Ukraine’s President Zelensky was reportedly influenced by negative recommendations from the two autocrats.
  8. liberalism
    Jordan Peterson’s Meeting With Orbán Was Hypocritical — But in CharacterThe “classic liberal” has long been too obsessed with fighting the activists on campus to worry about abetting the right-wing authoritarians in power.
  9. the national interest
    President Trump Meets Viktor Orbán, His Authoritarian ModelA meeting of minds between illiberal xenophobic demagogues.
  10. Trump Could Accidentally Help Save Angela Merkel’s JobTrump’s attacks on Merkel might backfire. Maybe he should embrace those foreign leaders he would destroy.
  11. Trump Congratulates Hungarian Quasi-Dictator After Election WinIt’s no mystery why the president is so enthusiastic about him.
  12. interesting times
    Andrew Sullivan: A Democracy DisappearsAmericans should watch what is happening in Hungary with a great deal of attention — and alarm about similar trends playing out at home.