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Voter Registration

  1. voting rights
    The States Following Georgia’s Lead on Voter SuppressionSimilar voting restrictions could soon be enacted in key Republican-controlled states like Arizona, Florida, New Hampshire, and Texas.
  2. vision 2020
    Texas Democrats Hold Wave-of-the-Future Virtual ConventionAs the national parties rethink convention plans due to COVID, Texas Democrats aim to show a virtual event can be not only safer but more effective.
  3. vision 2020
    Let’s Nationalize the Way We Run ElectionsWith guerrilla warfare over voting procedures threatening public confidence in election results, it’s time for some clear and uniform procedures.
  4. vision 2020
    The Coronavirus Is Throwing Down Obstacles for First-Time VotersWith customary voter sign-up methods shut down and some states not offering online registration, Democrats must work to harvest first-time voters.
  5. Judge Overturns Early Voter Registration Deadline for the Ossoff-Handel RaceIn rough justice for GOP candidate and voting-rights pariah Karen Handel, a judge has extended registration for her runoff contest with Jon Ossoff.
  6. voter suppression
    Will Hurricane Matthew Have Consequences for November?The storm is hitting the swing state of Florida days before the voter-registration deadline, and Governor Rick Scott has refused to extend it.
  7. Trump Has a Voter-Registration ProblemYes, theoretically Trump could benefit from a tide of votes from white working-class voters. But he lacks the resources to get them registered.
  8. Bernie Sanders May Not Have Won California, But He Made the State BluerCall it a mini revolution.
  9. Donald Trump Is Making Latinos Register to Vote (Again)Fresh evidence that the GOP’s favorite xenophobe is increasing the diversity of America’s electorate.
  10. early and awkward
    360,000 Californians Register for Wrong PartyA right-wing party with a misleading name tripped them up.
  11. state politics
    Georgia’s Battle for the Ballot BoxA successful state voter-registration effort, now being investigated for fraud, has the potential to turn a GOP stronghold into a swing state.