Displaying all articles tagged:

Wendy Davis

  1. power
    Wendy Davis Is Running for CongressThe sneaker-wearing, filibustering abortion activist is challenging Chip Roy in Texas.
  2. the national interest
    Salon Writer Condemns Arithmetic As RacistWendy Davis exit polling truthers.
  3. early and awkward
    Wendy Davis Should Have Left Her Opponent’s Wheelchair Out of Her Attack Ad Not a good look. 
  4. early and awkward
    Texas Bro Figured ‘Boats ’N Hoes’ Was a Good Name for a PACA PAC with ties to Wendy Davis’s opponent.
  5. early and awkward
    Wendy Davis Admits Her Biography Isn’t Totally AccurateShocker: Her ex-husband helped pay her tuition.
  6. Wendy Davis Is Running for GovernorIt’s official. 
  7. texas
    Anita Perry Acknowledges That Abortion Is ‘a Woman’s Right’A surprising statement from Texas’s First Lady.
  8. unlikely candidates
    Wendy Davis Still Won’t Admit She’ll Be Running for Texas GovernorBut she is.
  9. rising stars
    That Filibuster Was Good to Wendy Davis’s Bottom LineShe’s raised $1.2 million since.
  10. Frank Rich on the National Circus: Obama Looks Lost in Egypt for a ReasonIraq.
  11. shmashmortion
    Texas House Provisionally Approves the Bill Wendy Davis FilibusteredIt’s expected to go all the way.
  12. the national interest
    The Real Problem With Rick Perry’s Comments About Wendy DavisAn unnecessarily nasty abortion debate.
  13. #StandWithWendy Was More Popular Than #StandWithRandJust barely. 
  14. shmashmortion
    Dramatic Filibuster Beats Texas Anti-Abortion Bill (Eventually)With help from an “unruly mob.” For now.
  15. shmashmortion
    Texas Lawmaker Filibustering Anti-Abortion BillAnd she can’t even lean against her desk.