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White Nationalists

  1. trump tweets
    Trump Echoes Neo-Nazi Propaganda About South Africa (That He Heard on Fox News)Data show there is no “large scale” killing of white farmers in South Africa. But the alt-right, neo-Nazis – and now, the U.S. president – disagree.
  2. politics
    White House Speechwriter Fired After Being Linked to White NationalistsDarren Beattie gave a speech in 2016 at a small conference popular with white nationalists, but insists he said nothing “objectionable.”
  3. unite the right 2
    Unite the Right Sequel in Washington Draws Tiny Crowd of White NationalistsThey were vastly outnumbered by counterprotesters and media.
  4. Exclusive Image Refutes Charlottesville White Nationalist’s Self-Defense ClaimJacob Scott Goodwin, convicted of beating DeAndre Harris, is seen delivering a blow to Harris in this newly published photo.
  5. Unite the Right Organizer Sues Charlottesville to Hold Anniversary RallyIn denying the permit, the city said the rally poses a “danger to public safety.”
  6. charlottesville
    White House Tries and Fails to Defend Trump’s Ambiguity About CharlottesvilleMany sides are to blame for the haphazard defense of the president’s response to Charlottesville, but none more so than Trump himself.
  7. lists
    Things President Trump Has Condemned Other Than White NationalistsThe president declined to condemn white nationalists on Saturday, but he’s sure summoned the will to condemn just about everything else.
  8. alt-right
    Why Richard Spencer Wants to Ban Football“If I could wave a magic wand, I would absolutely,” the self-avowed white nationalist told a crowd at Auburn U.
  9. White Nationalist Richard Spencer Gets Federal Subsidies for Cotton FarmAccording to a report in Mother Jones, the alt-right figure may pay for his lifestyle through an income from a cotton farm.
  10. internet nazis
    Some of the Fears of Election Day Nazi Intimidation Might Be OverblownA Politico article helped launch a minor panic by broadcasting threatening plans that are very unlikely to come to fruition.