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  1. just asking questions
    Jimmy Wales on Why Wikipedia Is Still So GoodAfter almost a quarter-century, the online encyclopedia remains an internet oasis.
  2. politics
    The Congressman Who Edited His Wikipedia Page Too MuchRepresentative Mike Lawler’s personal account was blocked after making a series of changes to his own entry, which the website advises against.
  3. select all
    Remember the Time Philip Roth Got Mad at Wikipedia?He wrote an open letter to the site.
  4. select all
    Why Wikipedia WorksIt could have gone horribly wrong, but Wikipedia is still one of the most trusted sites on the web.
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    Wikipedia Is Not Going to Save YouTube From MisinformationThe video site will use the crowdsourced encyclopedia for fact-checking.
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    The 20 Most Terrifying Stories on the InternetYou probably shouldn’t read these before bed.
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    The Odd Story Behind One of Wikipedia’s Oddest ImagesA mysterious image of the Twin Towers persists.
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    Trump Added to Presidents of the Confederate States of America Wikipedia PageJefferson Davis, the lone president of the Confederate, briefly had some company on Wikipedia today.
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    Somebody Edited the Villain Wikipedia Page to Include Paul RyanYet another Wikipedia edit inspired by Speaker Ryan.
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    Study Finds Many Wikipedia Attacks Aren’t From Anonymous UsersA third of attacks on the online encyclopedia are from registered users, not faceless trolls.
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    Wikipedia Bans Daily Mail As Source Material: ‘Unrealiable’The popular online encyclopedia is cracking down.
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    Wikipedia Edits Are the Only Joy in These Fraught Political TimesSean Spicer, Paul Ryan, and Sally Yates are just a few people whose Wikipedia pages have seen some humorous changes in recent days.
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    Somebody Edited the Invertebrate Wikipedia Page to Include Paul RyanHorseshoe crabs, coral, arachnids, and Paul Ryan.
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    Did Wikipedia Edits Just Tip Us Off to Hillary Clinton’s VP Pick?Wikipedia users have descended on Tim Kaine’s page.
  15. Rachel Roy Posts Unsubtle Beyoncé-Related PhotoFans are not being kind to “Rachel Roach.”
  16. Wiki Executive Ousted Following Community OutcryThe community outcry was loud and swift.
  17. select all
    The Definitive Wikipedia List of ListsWikipedia, a near-infinite repository showcasing our collective intelligence and absurdity, is 15.
  18. Fan Gets Backstage by Editing WikipediaNever trust Wikipedia.
  19. Wikipedia Shows the Internet Is Lists All the Way DownListicles are the native format of the Internet, but it’s lists all the way down.
  20. wikipedia
    Kremlin-Run Wikipedia to Tell Truth About How Great Russia IsThe real thing is “untrustworthy.”
  21. oh congress!
    Congressional IP Address Banned From WikipediaA House IP address has earned a ten-day editing ban.
  22. in situ
    Love and Drama at the Wikipedia Conference“We’re really the typical demographic, actually.”
  23. the sports section
    Knicks Fans Venting Frustration on Wikipedia Page for James Dolan’s BandSong titles include “Fall From Grace As an Average Owner” and “Slow Motion Turnaround Jumper (feat. JR Smith).”
  24. early and awkward
    Rand Paul’s Wikipedia Plagiarism Defense: I Never Said I Wrote GattacaRachel Maddow is just “spreading hate on me.”
  25. the sports section
    According to Google, the St. Louis Cardinals Are a ‘Gay Butt Sex Team’This is awkward. 
  26. scary things
    Adam Lanza’s Online Life As Kaynbred: Guns, WikiAs a teenager, the Sandy Hook shooter talked firearms.
  27. special investigations
    Are People Who Donate to Wikipedia Just Better People in General? A Daily Intel special investigation.
  28. veepstakes
    Wikipedia Tries to Keep the Riffraff Out of Veepstakes EntriesAnd is maybe not as good of a predictor of Romney’s pick as it once was. 
  29. the misinformation age
    You Can Pay Some Dudes in Bed-Stuy $300 to Make a Wikipedia Page About YouOf course you can.
  30. the youth of today
    Young Brooklynites Paying Good Money for Wikipedia RegurgitationBut the fun kind.
  31. Encyclopaedia Britanica Is Going Out of PrintGood-bye to all that.
  32. technology
    What Did the Internet Blackout Against SOPA and PIPA Accomplish?Some lawmakers actually changed their minds!
  33. the internet
    Wikipedia to Shut Itself Down for 24 Hours in Protest of SOPA Get your free articles on Tuesday.
  34. fame
    The Fastest Way to Fame Is Getting Your Picture Atop Wikipedia EntriesReality TV is for suckers.
  35. today in no shit
    Most Wikipedia Contributors Are MenShocker.
  36. intel
    It’s Not Easy Being a Condé NastWhat you might sometimes forget amid all the talk about anorexic assistants and Graydon Carter and Frank Gehry cafeterias and Anna Wintour is that once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a real, live man named Condé Nast. Condé was born in Paris, and he started the magazine company that bears his name. He also, as it turns out, has descendents (and they’re not the Newhouses), as an editor we know discovered when browsing Wikipedia today: Jamie Isaac Conde Nast (born August 11, 1986, in Los Angeles CA) son of Rickard Joe Conde, CEO and chairman of Conde Systems, a prominent graphic designing company, is also an heir to part of the Conde Nast Publications, Inc. (CNP) fortune. He currently lives in Bel Air (Beverly Hills) CA, and goes by the name of Jamie Isaac Conde. Jamie appeared on the cover of LA Youth, a newspaper by and about Los Angeles teens, posing for an article titled, Born Rich. He also talked about his not-so-perfect life in Gunstories, a book about teens and their experience with gun violence, written by Beth Atkin…. He is the great great grandson of Conde Montrose Nast, publisher of such magazines as Vogue (1909-1959), House & Garden (1909-1959), and other titles. Is it actually for real? The guy who found it suspects yes. Plus, would Wikipedia lie to us? Jamie Isaac Conde [Wikipedia]