‘Gossip’ Girls Are Causing Mayhem in the Village!Blake walked her dog off the leash while Jessica ran up a $3,000 tab at Bagatelle! And everybody laughed at Bill Clinton’s quip about his own horniness! In today’s gossip roundup!
ByTim Murphy
company town
Topshop Signs a Lease in NYC?FASHION
• Breaking rumor alert: After months of hinting, Topshop has possibly, maybe signed a New York lease. Anglophiles and Kate Moss–ophiles, rejoice! [Fashionista]
• First he’s out as the designer of Dior Homme. Now, Hedi Slimane’s been replaced by none other than BFF Karl Lagerfeld as the photographer of the ad campaigns. Oh, cruel fashion world! [WWD]
• Giorgio Armani’s raking in the dough. The designer sold back a 5 percent stake in his company to Giorgio Armani SpA for about $110 million. [British Vogue]