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Wisconsin Supreme Court

  1. vision 2020
    Wisconsin Supreme Court Was One Vote Away From Flipping the State to TrumpIf not for a progressive justice’s upset win earlier this year, the decision could have gone the other way, costing Biden ten electoral votes.
  2. vision 2020
    Greens Off Wisconsin Ballot, Kanye Hanging On By a ThreadThe top Wisconsin court ruled that the need to get mail ballots out before a hard deadline this week trumps minor-party appeals.
  3. vision 2020
    Wisconsin Ballot-Access Legal Battle Could Screw Up Voting by MailDon’t look now, but the chaos over Wisconsin’s April primary could be repeated in November as courts interfere with mail-ballot timetables.
  4. voting rights
    Wisconsin Showed How Voter Suppression Efforts Can BackfireVote suppression efforts can be turned on the perpetrators if they are exposed to sunlight.
  5. business reopening
    Wisconsin Court Overturns Stay-at-Home Order and Revelers Hit the BarsWisconsin continues to feature savage polarization on all aspects of the coronavirus pandemic, from elections to business closures.
  6. 2020 elections
    After Its Disturbing Election Day, What Happens Next in Wisconsin?Republicans will probably benefit from their extraordinary efforts to hold down turnout, but we won’t know for sure until next week.
  7. 2020 elections
    U.S. Supreme Court Slams Door on Wisconsin Vote-by-Mail for Mid-Pandemic PrimaryA few hours after a Wisconsin court reinstated in-person voting, the conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court halted an absentee voting extension.
  8. 2020 elections
    Wisconsin Court Reinstates Tuesday’s Mid-Pandemic PrimaryAfter intense gubernatorial and legislative conflict and multiple appeals, it looks like Republicans will get the low-turnout election they wanted.
  9. vision 2020
    Fresh Signs Trump Might Not Accept Defeat in 2020Republicans are becoming far too accustomed to joining the president in attributing any electoral setbacks to Democratic conspiracies.
  10. Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Special Election Was a Terrible Omen for the GOPRepublican Governor Scott Walker doesn’t seem too confident.
  11. Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Election Is Going To Be A BarnburnerIn a closely divided and intensely partisan state, this judicial election will be among other things a tune-up for November.
  12. Tammy Baldwin’s Tough Reelection Fight in Hyperpolarized WisconsinAn awful lot’s going on politically in Wisconsin this year, and Senator Tammy Baldwin’s right in the middle of it.