Displaying all articles tagged:

Young People

  1. religion
    Christian Conservative Politics Are Driving Liberals Out of the PewsThe loud belief of militantly conservative Christians that being religious means being Republican may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  2. Americans With No Religion Greatly Outnumber Those Powerful White EvangelicalsWhile conservative evangelicals were busy boasting about their numbers and power, they started shrinking like other U.S. faith communities.
  3. Behind the Mystery of Bernie’s Exit PollsIt’s not conspiracy.
  4. The Kids Love Sanders Even More Than They Loved ObamaRemember the president’s historic performance among young voters in 2008? Bernie is improving on it by any measure.
  5. early and often
    Does Bernie Sanders Really Have Working-Class Support?His support base consists of young, white liberals, not the proletariat.
  6. election hangover
    Can Barack Obama Hang On to His Youth Coalition?We talked to some polling experts to see what they think.