The Fuzz Play Hide the Salami With a PerpBrownsville: A would-be thief shoved seven large salamis under his clothes at Western Beef. But the police found his salami. The police found his salami. [Gothamist]
Bushwick: These ‘shwickers aren’t reacting very compassionately to a former New York editor’s account in this week’s issue of getting assaulted there. Except for this one: “Being a lamer doesn’t mean he deserved to get his jaw broken.” Wow, uh, thanks. [BushwickBK]
Central Village: After a $123 million sale fell through last year, the grand old Emery Roth–designed Devonshire House on East 10th and University has been bought by Mets owner Fred Wilpon for $110 mil. It’ll go condo. [NYP]