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  1. millennials
    Millennials Will Not Age Into Voting Like BoomersOlder millennials are getting more conservative as they age, but the generation’s politics are still distinctly left-wing.
  2. electoral autopsies
    The Return of the Emerging Democratic Majority?In the most highly contested midterm races, millennials and zoomers turned out in even higher numbers than they did in 2018.
  3. vision 2020
    New Poll Confirms That High Youth Turnout Would Doom TrumpVoters under 35 back Biden in 41 states; in Texas and Georgia, young voters oppose Trump by roughly 20 points.
  4. zoomers
    COVID Has Sent Millions of Adult Zoomers Back HomeThe coronavirus recession has hit young Americans especially hard.
  5. vision 2020
    Why Biden’s Win May Just Be a Brief Setback for the Millennial LeftNobody really thinks Joe Biden represents the wave of the Democratic future. That’s an opportunity for those in the party who are truly looking ahead.