593A Vanderbilt Ave.,
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Official Website
Mon-Sat, noon-8pm; Sun, noon-6pm
Nearby Subway Stops
2, 3 at Bergen St.; C at Clinton-Washington Aves.
Magdalena Jaworska, the owner of this Prospect Heights boutique, has had ample experience dressing Brooklyn girls. She was formerly the manager and assistant buyer at Williamsburg store Otte, but after that store morphed into a Manhattan mini-chain, she assembled her own selection of midrange pieces in this long and lean, white-walled space. The store is quiet in its design, and for the most part, the clothes are, too; nothing hanging on the metal pipe racks will shock, but O.N.A. has a monopoly on its market�there are few other boutiques in the area. Nonetheless, the Blank jeans and Dolce Vita tops are cute, and if you’re looking for some casual clothes to get a lot of mileage out of before they go out of style, it’s convenient to have brands like Cheap Monday, BC Footwear, and New York�based Olive and Oak all in the same place. (The goods match perfectly with the indie-hits playlist.) The jewelry selection isn’t generous; luckily, the sale section in the back can be.