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April 4, 2005 Issue

Cover Story

Tears of a Cop

Last November, Bernard Kerik was a 9/11 hero, a partner in Rudy Giuliani’s lucrative consulting business, and the president’s top choice to take over the Department of Homeland Security. Then, in under a month, he lost his job, his prospective job, and his reputation. Now, for the first time, Kerik talks about what went wrong and how it felt to fall so far, so fast.


Is Arranged Marriage Really Any Worse Than Craigslist?

Letting your parents pick your spouse may seem like an absurd anachronism. But is it really any worse than the capricious New York singles scene? An unmarried woman’s account of a dating life split between two worlds.

Waking with the Fishes

The Fulton Fish Market, soon to move to the Bronx, is one of the last gasps of the blue-collar life in lower Manhattan.

No Business Like Shvo Business

Michael Shvo is a real-estate superstar�and an object of almost universal loathing by his fellow brokers. How a near-broke Israeli immigrant made it to the top by breaking the rules of an industry that few thought had any.


Intelligencer Gossip

The birth of a "new fur" controversy, hits keep coming at Gramercy Park, Milk & Honey's star mixologist, and more.

It Happened Last Week

�April is the cruelest month, / A smile will make it better. / But if you frown and act depressed, / You’ll only make it wetter.�

Millionaire for Ferrer

The mayoral hopeful's moneyman betrays his class interests to fight Bloomberg.

Jacobean Drama

Stop invoking my name! Jane Jacobs on the West Side development brouhaha.

Great Toddle Forward

Mandarin: the new language craze for toddlers.


The National Interest

Schiavo and Social Security may not be the Rove blunders they seem at first glance.

The Bottom Line

The world’s not ending its dependence on oil anytime soon, so why not profit from it?


Best Bets

A lightbulb that lasts seventeen years, plus hardy outdoor bowls and Tuscan olive oil.


Amy Sohn parses Michael Jackson’s sexual identity.

Look Book

A shimmering shrink.

The Best Seller

The Hug Salt and Pepper Shaker set

Sales & Bargains:
This week's hottest sales & bargains

Ask a Shop Clerk

Jerry Laboy of JR Cigar/Montecristo.

Shop News

Store openings this week.

Market Research

A guide to toilets in every price range.

Map No 9: State of the Union

Navigating the rejuvenated Union Square.

Restaurant Review

The Modern, Danny Meyer’s bid for four stars.

In Season

How to conquer razor clams.

Ask Gael

Unlike the typical Chino-Latino hash on upper Broadway, Asia de Cuba mixes up a Tower of Babel in every dish.

Restaurant Openings & Buzz

Week of March 28, 2005: Amorina, Luscious Food, Roberto Passon, Piola, and Cafe Trotsky.

Hot Mamma

One of the oldest tricks in the New York Italian-restaurant book is putting a mamma fresh from the Old Country in charge of the kitchen.

I Remember Mamma

Italian mothers have always been a secret weapon in the New York restauranteur's arsenal.

First Roe

American shad, the quintessential springtime fish, is prized for its roe and flesh that’s notoriously hard to debone. Why not let the professionals do it?

Malt Shops

With authentic British chippies multiplying, fish and chips are nearly as prevalent as steak-frites�and just as decadent.

Local Gourmet Grocers

A side-by-side comparison.

Real Estate

The hottest block in Harlem.


Investigating �neutraceuticals.’

The Culture Pages

The Cheerful Transgressive

Larry Clark, bard of depraved teens, insists he’s a moralist at heart.

Theater Review

Jessica Lange and Christian Slater are game but mediocre in The Glass Menagerie.

All Shook Up Reviewed

If Elvis impersonators had a union, do you suppose this latest incarnation of the "jukebox musical" could have been prevented?

Movie Review

The avenging noir heroes of Sin City give graphic violence a good name.

Book Review

Jonathan Safran Foer’s 9-year-old narrator can’t capture the surrealism of 9/11.

Go Figure

The publishing industry’s version of the People’s Choice Awards.

Art Review

Looking past the buzz at the Warholian work of Damien Hirst.

Robert Gober Reviewed

The artist's first New York gallery show in eleven years.

Show and Tell: Elmgreen & Dragset

End Station, a site-specific project by a pair of Scandinavian artists.

Serious Clown: Bill Irwin

Pop Review

Beck sweetens up.

Kemado's Lone-Star Invasion

The hottest New York bands at South by Southwest.

The Tori of My Life

How I fell out of love with my pop crush.


Letters to the Editor

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  • New York, NY 10013
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