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July 2, 2007 Issue

Cover Story

The Summer Issue

The annual guide to post-vernal, pre-autumnal recreation and indulgence. Including an all-encompassing summer culture calendar, preemptive nostalgia for grimy Coney Island, a rundown of ways to relax on the waterfront without leaving the five boroughs, the inside scoop on outdoor drinking, a taxonomy of city fauna, parent-friendly kids� fun, listings of too-good-to-still-be-on-the-market summer shares, and more.


Joe Meets the Head Case

For most of their lives, both Joe Torre and Alex Rodriguez bet much of their self-worth on the outcome of baseball games. Yet it seems the younger might be learning that the game can also be a source of escape�an insight it took the elder decades to make.


Camping on an abandoned island in Jamaica Bay is a great opportunity to connect in self-reliant fashion with ancient city history. As our writer discovered, the experience is less profound when it involves a torrential two-day downpour and something called �trench foot.�

The Pasty Days of Summer

While their contemporaries in the downtown-revival scene fade out or move uptown, Interpol are still alive, kicking it on the Bowery, and eager to let you know that they�re not as depressed as they look.

Long Hot Summer of Love

The summer of 1967 saw a coastal divergence in America�s counterculture. San Francisco happily charged ahead toward free love, but the New York hippies, unable to escape grit, irony, and nearby riots, landed somewhere in between a summer of love and a summer of hate.


Bad News Bernie Corrects Record

Clients, Hollywood scared by media.

Eric Idle Raises the Barre

Next project: A Python ballet!

Sunny�s Money On Display

Von Bulow art at the Morgan.

Are New York Girls Too Fast?

Actor Justin Theroux thinks so.

Legendary Writer Retires: Dillard�s Done

The Maytrees writer says she's done with writing.

It Happened Last Week

As the city was drenched alternately by rain and perspiration, Mayor Bloomberg fanned presidential-run rumors by announcing that he�d cooled on the Republican Party.

How to Buy an iPhone

Gaming the most anticipated gadget launch of the year.

The Strokes

Crawling around Manhattan.

Third Way Blind

Mayor Bloomberg�s cynical, egotistical presidential flirtations might actually do some good�that is, unless he becomes Ralph Nader.


The Imperial City

Reasons for optimism in Iraq�and reasons to be pessimistic about the predictable games politicians at home play with the war.


Renouncing the Dark Arts

The maturation of Banks Violette, death-metal installation artist.

The Movie Review

Michael Moore makes his best film.

Meryl�s Progeny: Mamie Gummer

Sara Cardace spoke with Mamie Gummer, 23, about starring with her mother Meryl Streep in Evening.

Knocked Up by the Undulating Curve of Shifting Expectations!

As good as Knocked Up is, it�s a perfect candidate for Curvedom; in fact, we�ve recently heard people saying, �I don�t see what all the fuss is about.�

Influences: Werner Herzog

"I think I have a peculiar humor that becomes a cross that I bear. I always complain that nobody sees my sense of humor, but it comes across when you have a movie theater filled with people."

The Art Review

The work at the world�s various biennials may or may not be worthy of praise, but it�s impossible to tell either way amid the bombast.


What the audience really thought about �Summer of Love.�

The Pop Music Review

Is this the end for suddenly slumping roots rockers Ryan Adams and Jeff Tweedy?

The Approval Matrix

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

The Week

The Top Five: Summer Reading

Peanut by Linas Alsenas, Warriors by James Harpur and more.

The Story and the Song

These two major modern cantatas are as intriguing for their music as for their backstories.

Behind the Music

Rock-scene veterans tell all.

Video Made the Gallery Stars

Postmasters� campy new group show, �Not Your Parents� MTV: Music Videos from Hell,� opening June 28, pokes fun at a pop-culture obsession.

The Mind-Body Connection

D.J.�s reinstate the time-honored summer tradition of taking the music out of the club.

Shop Local, then Eat

Nothing stirs the appetite�or need for a stiff drink�like a Saturday-afternoon crush at the Union Square Greenmarket. Here�s where to go for lunch afterward.

A River Runs to It

Arriving at your lunch or dinner destination by boat beats a cab any day. Just hail a New York Water Taxi (go to for schedules).

Ladies� Month

At the Culture Project�s annual Women Center Stage festival, the spotlight�s on female playwrights and directors.



Readers sound off on Steve Jobs, the science of gaydar, and more.

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