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December 1, 2008 Issue

Cover Story

Alone Together

One in every two apartments in Manhattan is occupied by a person living alone. But while the notion persists that the city is more coldhearted and isolating than a small town, new research suggests that the opposite is true�that New York is among the least likely places to feel lonely. By Jennifer Senior
On the Cover: Photograph by Mitchell Funk/ Getty Images.


Wall-E Park

On giant piles of trash left by a generation of New Yorkers, landscape architect James Corner is building a park that has the power to change the way we see the past and the future of the city.

The Impresario of Smut

At The Box, Simon Hammerstein’s louche cabaret, a spectacular cocktail of class and crass has started to curdle.


Sheriff’s Wife Joins a Hedge Fund

Silda goes into finance, and Eliot wants to be an author.

Götterdämmerung Time for City Opera


People Are Talking About Unemployment!

Not-so-busy Bee.

Bubbeleh Brett Mezuzahs Miami

A Fontainebleau shonda!

Freelancing Isn't Free

Decorporatized health care.

Will Ex-Spitzerite Get Obama Nod?

Soliciting for solicitor gen.

It Happened Last Week

Citigroup’s 52,000 soon-to-be-laid-off employees weren’t the only ones looking for new jobs last week.

A More Cautious Orgy

The post-bubble Art Basel Miami Beach promises to be much less of an haute debauch.

How to Replace a Senator (When You Can’t Pick Yourself)

Governor Paterson’s Hillary quandary.

Living the Revolution

The British are coming!

Recession Index

A numeric summary of our troubled times.

Crayon Cop

Can graffiti be kept under control?


The Closest of Frenemies

In all the dizzying complexities of Hillary at State, one thing is clear: Obama has nerve.


Good-Mood Lighting

Outside, times are tough. Inside, it’s a happy riot of light, heat, and color.

Sales Training

What to pick up at the season’s top clearances and how to emerge with your sanity intact.

The Look Book

"I always knew I wanted to wear a suit instead of a dress."

Chef on the Grill

Momofuku’s pastry chef writes HAACP plans, and will only drink milk that’s been infused with cereal.

In Season

Of all the edible gourds on riotous display at the Greenmarket, kabocha squash is one of the sweetest.

Restaurant Openings

Week of December 1, 2008: Macao Trading Co., Buttermilk Channel, and Perle.

Behind the Menu

Txikito, 240 Ninth Ave., nr. 25th St.; 212-242-4730.

Insatiable Critic

Almond is a haven for these nervous times.

Cheap, Sharp, Lasts Forever

Tom Mylan recommends the best chef’s knife for the spendthrift turkey-carver.

The Gangster’s Favorite

An antiques dealer’s home is a living tribute to a mobster-beloved designer.

Can This Market Be Saved?

Seven real-estate movers and shakers discuss this scary moment.


Blues Man

Jeffrey Wright’s latest role is the perfect last beat to a life-changing year.

The Movie Review

A shiny, happy Sean Penn finally gets to play a saint. Plus, the cheesy allure of Twilight.

Emile Hirsch, Man of �Milk’

�I always thought the Castro was a Cuban restaurant in San Francisco,� says Emile Hirsch.

The TV Review

A new season of 24 provides the usual fun for our hero (crucifixion?) and a president for the Obama age.

Modern Antiquity

The Paul Rudolph housing crisis.

The Art Review

The original chameleon shows her characters’ aging�and is reborn.

The Theater Review

Road Show almost gets its motor running this time. Plus: Cedric the Entertainer plays Mamet cool.

Native Tongues: Danny Hoch

It took Danny Hoch only four days to write most of Taking Over.

The Book Review

How much hoops analysis is too much?

Alison Bechdel Retires Her Infamous �Dykes�

�The longer I wrote about these people, the fewer possibilities were open to everyone.�

The Pop Music Review

The Killers give up their Born to Run fixation, and instead deliver first-rate, multi-flavored pop.

The Approval Matrix: Week of December 1, 2008

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.


East River Rink

One more reason to skip Rock Center.

A Wine-Bar Brunch, Beer-Bar Dinner, and Venetian-ish Lunch

New meal services at three hot spots.


Comments: Week of December 1, 2008

Readers sound off on Dubai, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and more.


Findings from the streets, files, and hard drives of New York.

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