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April 4, 2011 Issue

Cover Story

The Gamer

Governor Andrew Cuomo has been conducting a stealth campaign, charming and threatening and co-opting potential adversaries in an effort to succeed where his predecessors have failed. Can he really break Albany’s back? Or will his own cleverness get the best of him? By Chris Smith
On the Cover: Photograph by Peter Hapak for New York Magazine (Lee); Peter Foley/EPA/Corbis (Cuomo)

Feature Article

The Ravenous and Resourceful Sandra Lee

Determined to become a down-market Martha Stewart, she parlayed her miserable childhood into a Food Network empire for those of limited means. Now, somewhat improbably, she’s the First Lady of Albany. Not that she shows any interest in redecorating.

A Strange Man Is Following You

Shouting about mind-control assassins, the 9/11 conspiracy, and the Bilderberg Group, radio host Alex Jones has cornered the bi-partisan paranoia market.


Flight Protocols

The Feds have a playbook for abetting escape from the most uncertain parts of our uncertain world.

The War Too Good to Pass Up

Making sense of Obama’s Libya adventure.

Hating the Same Things

Why shared dislikes make faster friends.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

The Departed

An exodus of expats draws scorn in Japan.

62 Minutes With Pat Kiernan

Battling ennui with the beloved NY1 anchor, who not-so-secretly has his eye on Regis’s job.


The Moneyball Mets

Sandy Alderson needed to dump salary, and rebuild from scratch, anyway.


The Best Bet

Cynthia Vincent opens her local flagship, seven sales aiding Japan, and more.

The Look Book

A six-month installation being unveiled in Union Square this Wednesday.

The Floor’s the Limit

Welcome back, maxi. Skirts are hitting a growth spurt.

The Underground Gourmet Review

At Danji, the cooking is half-traditional, half-modern, and wholly delicious.

In Season

The kumquat is a bona fide Bizarro World citrus.

Restaurant Openings

Week of April 4, 2011: Love Gelato, Caffe Muzio, Ba’al Cafe and Falafel, and more.

Flea Bites

The Brooklyn Flea goes back outdoors, with a new location and lots more food. Here’s the menu.

The Incredible Edible Eggshell

Wylie Dufresne takes a crack at improving nature.

Surfing the Recovery

As our market begins to rebound, a few spots are lagging. Buyers: Consider yourselves tipped off.


Just Like You Imagined

Jeremy Irons plays himself very well.

The Theater Review

The Book of Mormon resurrects the balls-out Broadway musical.

The Art Review

Once Jackson Pollock exploded painting, anything from petals to pee could wind up on a gallery wall.

Reunited, and It Feels So Good

The Kills release their first album in three years.

The Pop Music Review

Why everybody loves Odd Future.

The Movie Review

In a Better World is socially worthy—and utterly joyless.

A Trip to Weird

Hannibal Buress’s hyperexaggerated reality.


New York on Rye

Not to toot our own horns, but there is no sandwich city quite like this one.


Comments: Week of April 4, 2011

Readers sound off on bike lanes, Michelle Rhee, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of April 4, 2011

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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