At the beginning of April, a young man named Carter asked a simple question of Wendy’s on Twitter: “How many retweets for a year of free nuggets?” Their response? 18 million.
To date, the tweet has 3.4 million retweets. A far cry from 18 million, but enough for Carter’s tweet to become the most-retweeted in the history of Twitter. He takes the title from Ellen DeGeneres, whose 2014 Academy Awards selfie used to hold the record. (She snagged the record from Barack Obama.) In honor of breaking the record, Wendy’s announced today that, despite not reaching the previously agreed-upon number, Carter will, in fact, be getting his nuggets. The company also donated $100,000 to an organization that helps find homes for foster children.
It’s unclear exactly how Carter’s year of free nuggs will be paid out by Wendy’s. And frankly, given the monthlong stream of free press the company got, they should probably just let him eat free for life.