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Apple Reportedly Will Only Be Ready to Release Half of the iPhone Xs It Planned To

Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

If you’re anxiously awaiting an iPhone X, don’t hold your breath. According to a report from The Nikkei — an Asia-focused financial newspaper — the company is behind on production. Really behind. By about half. “Initial shipments of Apple’s highly anticipated iPhone X are expected to total around 20 million units, only half the planned amount for this year,” The Nikkei reports.

Part of the issue is the technology in the phone. Unlike its predecessors, the iPhone X has no home button and no bezel. To unlock it, users will use their faces, rather than a fingerprint, a technology Apple says is significantly more secure than Touch ID. But as it turns out, those features aren’t the easiest to properly and rapidly manufacture. Apple is currently producing 10 million iPhone Xs per month, and is “believed to have already started negotiations with other manufacturers over additional production of certain parts” to help boost those numbers. Of course, none of this is helped by the fact that Apple has also had delays with the iPhone 8its other less-fancy new phone — in recent weeks, too. Perhaps this is all a sign that if you’re in the market for a new device, you should just go out and get yourself a nice iPhone 7.

Apple Is Only Ready to Ship Half the iPhone Xs It Wanted