On Tuesday afternoon, YouTube’s headquarters in San Bruno, California, went into lockdown mode as authorities responded to an active shooter on campus. “We have four victims who have all been transported for gunshot-related injuries and we have one suspect who is deceased inside the building with a self-inflicted wound, who at this time we believe to be the shooter but we are still following up on that,” San Bruno police chief Ed Barberini said during a press briefing. The female suspect reportedly came to the campus to shoot her boyfriend, a law-enforcement official told the Daily Beast. Barberini characterized all of the injuries as “treatable.”
From the New York Times:
Brent Andrew, a spokesman for San Francisco General Hospital, said at a news conference that the hospital had received three patients: a 36-year-old man in critical condition, a 32-year-old woman in serious condition and a 27-year-old woman in fair condition. The condition of the fourth victim, and what hospital he or she was at, was not clear.
On Twitter, YouTube staff documented their experiences during the shooting. Police evacuated hundreds of employees from the office. Vadim Lavrusik was among the first YouTube employees to tweet about the shooter. (His Twitter was hacked just hours later.)
Google, YouTube’s parent company, says it is “coordinating with authorities” and will be posting updates as more information becomes available. The company advised other employees in the surrounding area to stay away from the San Bruno headquarters, and said it has provided an employee help line.
Update, April 3, 2018, 10:39 a.m.: An earlier version of this post reported the shooter allegedly shot her boyfriend at YouTube, citing a quote from a law-enforcement official to the Daily Beast. The latest report from the San Bruno Police Department says “there is no evidence that the shooter knew the victims of this shooting or that individuals were specifically targeted.” Police are still investigating a possible motive.