A group of nine passengers were stranded on a remote island in Africa. They spent seven days trying to catch back up with the boat.podcastBy Bridget Read
’Tis the Season for SufjanThe singer-songwriter on what he’s learned about the holidays after releasing 100 Christmas songs.
ByCraig Jenkins
strategist hive mind
63 Holiday Shopping TipsHoliday-related proclamations and well-sourced recommendations from the Strategist’s staff and contributors.
How Michael Goguen Got ConnedHow one billionaire with a savior complex and a voracious sexual appetite got conned by his best friend, who saw him as the perfect mark.
ByKen Silverstein
The Spectacular Life of Octavia E. ButlerThe story of the girl who grew up in Pasadena, took the bus, loved her mom and grandmother, and wrote herself into the world.
House of SpearsOne year ago, Britney Spears was freed from a notorious conservatorship. What possessed her father to seize near-total control of her life?
Ken Jennings Ascends the PodiumThe Jeopardy! co-host (and its greatest champion) settles into his dream job, one year after the show’s legacy was almost tarnished.
Michelle Branch Has Some RegretsNamely about how she responded to her husband’s alleged affair. But at least now she can laugh about it.
ByKaitlin Menza
Everyone Has Their Own GodardFor all his godlike splendor, there is no other filmmaker over whom so many people can claim ownership, each in their own distinct manner.
‘I Need to Tell You This’Kate Beaton captured the aesthetic of a late-aughts internet. Her new memoir is a monumental synthesis of politics, history, and her own life.