At the Television Critics Association press tour this morning, Sarah Palin spoke out against one of the biggest winners of 2013: the selfie. “I think this world would be better off having more young women holding a fish in a picture than holding their camera in front of a bathroom mirror, taking a selfie,” she said.
While we, too, have mixed feelings about the bathroom selfie, we don’t foresee any fish photo ops in the near future. Besides, the point here is that Palin wants us to stop wasting our time sucking it in in front of the mirror and instead go outside, breathe fresh air— oh, and also watch her new show Amazing America on the Sportsman channel, which is apparently a thing. The series, which premieres in April, will explore “the coolest and most original people, places, businesses, and gadgets that appeal to Red, Wild and Blue America,” according to the Sportsman Channel site.
To promote her exciting new project, Palin chose the biggest, baddest, and most amazing America-themed shoes of the many that surely reside in her closet. Because those are exactly the kind of sensible shoes the “First Lady of the Outdoors” would wear to traipse across America.