What criteria do you use when choosing an Airbnb rental for your vacation? Neighborhood vibe? Access to transportation? Price? Aesthetic? Or is it the host’s level of fuckability?
According to Business Insider, a new travel trend has emerged from the sharing economy: Renting a private room on Airbnb, as opposed to an entire residence, can lead to some Airpnv between hosts and their guests. Take the 27-year-old French traveler who bedded her “silver fox” host, or Stuart, 25, who had a weeklong fling with his renter.
Even though Airbnb’s vaginalike logo pretty much planted this concept in our subconscious, the company isn’t exactly stoked to discover that the service can double as a casual sex app. Then again, nobody seems very surprised (in fact, the start-up LoveRoom tried to monetize this very natural impulse in 2013). This only proves my theory that any app — from Taskrabbit to Uber to Lose It — can be a hook-up app if we’re just willing to be creative.