Gretchen Carlson - Intelligencer
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Gretchen Carlson

  1. Fox Settles With Carlson for Reported $20 Million — Then Van Susteren QuitsThe sexual-harassment scandal is not over yet.
  2. media
    How Fox News Women Took Down Roger AilesThe most powerful, and predatory, man in media warned his staff about the “enemy within.” Turns out it was him.
  3. More Revelations About Roger Ailes’s ‘Black Room’ Tactics Against JournalistsPolitico adds to the allegations.
  4. Andrea Tantaros Says She Made Harassment Claims Against Ailes, Was Taken Off Air“I believe it’s retaliatory,” says her lawyer.
  5. Can the Murdochs Contain the Damage From the Ailes Investigation? It may prove difficult as the accusations continue to pile up.
  6. 6 More Women Allege That Roger Ailes Sexually Harassed ThemAfter Fox News host Gretchen Carlson’s lawsuit against Ailes, more women come forward.
  7. great moments in fox news
    Geraldo Rivera Caught Pretending That Fox Business Hosts Are Regular PeopleHis camera crew interviewed Charlie Gasparino and Lori Rothman for a segment.
  8. cable news news
    Gretchen Carlson: No Pants Allowed on Fox & FriendsA special rule for the ladies, presumably.
  9. gretchen carlson
    Fox & Friends Host: Being President Is ‘Just Like Our Job’And Jon Stewart calls her out.
  10. in other news
    Jon Stewart to FNC’s Gretchen Carlson: Stop Playing DumbGraduating with honors from Stanford is nothing to be ashamed of, hun!