Personal Injury
Mark Goldberg was previously recognized in Who’s Who Among Rising Young Americans. For over 35 years Mark Goldberg has been providing quality legal representation for people who have been injured in accidents ranging from construction, motor vehicle, trip/slip and fall and other types of accidents. Formerly with offices located in New York City, in 2004 Mr. Goldberg relocated his offices to Westchester County and teamed up with attorney Enoch Brady for the purpose of bringing New York City quality representation to people in the suburbs who are injured in accidents. Each case is personally handled by either Mr. Goldberg or Mr. Brady and each client is given the personal attention that they need and deserve. Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Brady have each collected tens of millions of dollars for injured accident victims.
Brady & Goldberg
130 North Main Street, Port Chester, New York 10573
PH: 914.690.0800 | [email protected]
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