the approval matrix

Uptown Dorian Gray Fights Downtown Vanya

Photo: New York Magazine

Our guide to what’s highbrow, lowbrow, brilliant, and despicable. Tap or click each image below to enlarge.

Photo: Getty Images (Guggenheim, Cuomo, Tesla, RFK, New Sounds); Business Wire/AP (Woolly mice); (Trump bill); Shutterstock (Tim Horton’s)
Photo: Getty Images (North Korea); Dorian Gray Play; Marc Brenner (Vanya); Courtesy the publisher; Friends of Big Bear Valley (Eagle); Polk & Co. (Smash); Courtesy of Bottega Veneta (Smith); Nadine Fraczkowski/Courtesy the artist, Galerie Buchholz, Sprüth Magers, and Park Avenue Armory; Richard Goodbody/Courtesy of Joan B Mirviss LTD
Photo: Getty Images (Brody, retirement, robot, Pompeo, Anthony, Astroid); RealAlexJones/X; Zuck/Instagram (Zuckerberg); Retailer
Photo: Getty Images (Conan O’brien, whispers, Young, time); radiobakerynyc/Instagram; 800 Pound Gorilla Media/YouTube (Karmel); TMZ/TikTok (Vance); Retailers

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The Approval Matrix: Uptown Dorian Gray vs. Downtown Vanya